Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Day in the Life

I know it's been a while since I've last written, but I thought I would write about what an average student (me) does during one day at Saint Michael's College.

8:00- Wake up and have breakfast with a friend. Scrambled eggs with cheese in Alliot are the best!
9:30-Go to the gym where I see at least three of my friends at any given times. There are new treadmills that make indoor running a lot more fun.
11:30- Early lunch with my dad (he came for the day) at the Penny Cluse Cafe, a Burlington favorite.
1:00- Principles of Microeconomics, where I learned how to measure satisfaction (it's in utils, if you were wondering).
2:30- Global AIDS Pandemic also known as my favorite class.
4:15-Hang out in Alliot with my friends for an early dinner snack. Tonight there was live music to celebrate Mardi Gras.
7:00-Student Association, where an on campus organization, Fix it With Five presented. Fix it With Five takes $5 from every student's activity fee, which together makes $10,000, and this money is donated to a charity. However, the charities have to present and express why they deserve the money.
8:00- GLEE. Enough said.
9:00- Write a blog post in order to procrastinate the studying process.


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